– Training of emotional intelligence, lectures and leadership coaching –
It is my mission to interact with people at the highest management levels in such a way that they are a blessing for other people through their leadership style – in love and wisdom.
Self-employed as a trainer for emotional intelligence and emotional leadership since 2004 – solution-oriented executive coaching has been established as the supreme discipline for years.
Degree in business administration (FH) / Trainer qualification (AdA IHK) since 1998
Comprehensive experience in conducting and accompanying multi-week personality seminars and multi-day workshops for training emotional intelligence since 1992 – coaching for self & stress management, communication, creating relationships, emotional leadership and much more.
I help you to less stress, more balance and better relationships – organizations to successfully shape cultural change.
My need is to offer you the most useful and atmospherically best, most sensitive and appreciative solution-oriented coaching in the industry. I want you to be in very good professional hands with my company, to feel extremely comfortable as a person and to experience the highest degree of usefulness.
“Top 5” values (as of February 2020):
- Love
- Inner wealth / wisdom
- Bless you
- Freedom
- fairness
“Top 4” talents:
I am very good at
- … listen, concentrate and learn.
- … deal with myself.
- … deal with and help others.
- … Take care of myself and others / take care of myself and others.
If you would like to get to know me better, you can find out more below about my path, private and sporting matters as well as some other aspects that are close to my heart.
You can find my profiles on the professional business networks XING and LinkedIn at:
- https://www.xing.com/profile/peter_mertingk
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-mertingk/
- http://fuehrungskraefte-coaching.eu/
Social Media Profiles:
- Google+
-> Innovative invention: “The useful conversation on the running track / during sport”
Get to know me further:
My way:
I came into contact with the profession and coaching for the first time in my early twenties as a freelancer for a real estate company. I was so impressed by many of the cognitive processes and my own change in consciousness that since then I have remained closely connected to coaching and training in emotional intelligence while studying and working, and have been able to collect countless other valuable application experiences. In addition to improving my sales and management skills, I learned to holistically master my own personally challenging topics.
During my time as a research assistant at the Mainz University of Applied Sciences, I recognized the need for an application-oriented practical workshop on the subject of “emotional intelligence”. I developed a two-day seminar for the training of emotional intelligence based on the scientific principles of Daniel Goleman for the event series “Promote social competence”. The very good response from the university environment at the time encouraged me to also offer the concept in the private sector. So I was able to set up my own business as early as 2004 with the implementation of seminars on training emotional intelligence with a wide variety of focuses.
Later on, individual coaching programs and telephone coaching supplemented my offer. Furthermore, I developed and refined coaching / seminar formats and initiated the reconstruction and marketing of the one-week seminar format of a Swiss provider of personality training. In the coaching team, one- and two-week events followed in Switzerland and Austria. As a method trainer, I was the contact person for technical questions and in Germany for the training of co-trainers. There was also strategy development and various management and leadership functions.
In March 2012, I broke away from seven years of cooperation and decided to add two further focus areas to my portfolio as a coach: giftedness and high sensitivity.
In November 2013, thanks to advanced training in the field of solution-oriented short-term coaching according to Steve de Shazer, a paradigm shift occurred to me. The central basic assumptions and elements for the design of useful conversations as well as the typical “attitude of not knowing” inspired and fascinated me in their effect and sustainability. Since then, even more ease has been achieved – coaching is refreshingly simple, refreshingly different.
Over the years, a large number of seminar projects in different industries as well as lectures on the subject of emotional intelligence and emotional leadership in front of a wide variety of target groups followed. In addition, new collaborations arose, which among other things enable me to offer People Tuning® workshops at management level in Germany; based on the Limbic® Personality Check and Magic Seven®. The basis here are the numerous findings from the last 10-15 years of neuroscientific research.
Today in coaching and training it is important to me to be authentically present and to realize ethical values. I am always happy to pass on the best of my experience. With the process of perceiving, understanding and accepting oneself, I have had professional self-coaching experience since 1992.
I look forward to people who want to develop and strengthen their inner guidance and emotional intelligence. Topics from management or relationship contexts, questions about stress and self-management are very welcome to me. As our inner competence as a manager grows, this is reflected very nicely on the outside – not only in our day-to-day management. I look forward to meeting you! I also warmly welcome “unusual” concerns.
Inner guidance:
I have already been able to accompany a large number of executives and company owners on their way, see their inner competence grow and blockages dissolve. Just as it happened to me many years ago, many in our western, rational world do not explicitly know about the enormous quality of their inner guidance. Perception is simply not that focused on it, since we all too often concern ourselves with the benefits of our left brain. In addition to our logical, rational, analytical and quantitative competence, we all have an intuitive, holistic, imaginative and conceptual side. [1] With our intuition arises from this side an infallible inner guiding impulse, which wants to lead us permanently in a trend-setting, future-oriented and emotionally intelligent to brilliant way. Our perception in this regard. Depending on our education, the orientation of our perception, our mindfulness, it is geared to this solution impulse to different degrees, and is even partially sabotaged by our own mind, by behavior and belief patterns. The good news is, no matter where we are today in our personal development, the contact to our inner guidance can also be found, expanded and cultivated very nicely, even in the case of blockages. And it’s worth it, because the more we deepen contact with our inner guidance and stay in contact, our inner competence grows and this is pleasantly reflected in our “outer” leadership competence – in our well-being, in our relationships, in ours Vitality and health. Emotional intelligence and emotional leadership work better to the extent that our inner self-management improves.
[1] http://arbeitsblaetter.stangl-taller.at/gehirn/GehirnRechtsLinks.shtml
Mindfulness for giftedness and high sensitivity:
I am pleased if you feel comfortable and addressed here and browse my website with Muse. Please also pay attention to the aspects of giftedness and high sensitivity. I like to consider the special needs of gifted and highly sensitive people and managers. What do you say, are there highly sensitive managers? In any case, a high level of sensitivity can make it necessary to pay special attention and mindfulness to the subject of overstimulation or “overstimulation management”. It should be mentioned here that high sensitivity is not a mistake or even a weakness, but a special quality that can be a gift and a real gain and actually brings wonderful advantages. People with this gift can perceive things that pass by other people. [1] The ability to perceive even the finest changes, to grasp moods and situations, is extremely important in many areas of life and professions, because it forms the basis for intuition, creativity and is indispensable for sensitive communication. [2] Others, on the other hand, can bear the daily flood of stimuli more easily? This is actually the case due to different stimulus filters. Highly sensitive people include around 15-20% of the population according to Dr. Elaine Aron, she coined the term in the mid-1990s. Emotionally intelligent managers should be aware of this and If necessary, reflect on yourself and your employees and incorporate your findings into everyday management.
[1] Dr. Marco Kleiber [2] http://www.hochsensibel.org/
[Foto mit Kids]
we are family
… I am happily married and have 3 sons – born in 2005, 2007 and 2010. For the most part, I was always self-employed and, before family life took hold, I enjoyed traveling the world. I am happy when I manage to bring all talents, skills and potential – professional, family and private life – into harmony and under one roof.
I enjoy eating healthy and exercising regularly; go out into nature for running / jogging (+/- 10 km). I occasionally take part in running competitions and maintain regular running meetings. Anyone interested, welcome!
Swimming, cross-biking, tennis / table tennis (experienced competition), inline skating, fitness training in the broadest sense, formerly also WT (5th student grade) and windsurfing are other passions that I like to follow, if time allows, together with our kids. I still want to learn kite surfing!
Exciting combination: During the implementation of a series of around twenty seminars on training emotional intelligence in the automotive sector, I was able to teach my participants, among other things, solution-oriented short-term coaching in the new Steve de Shazer paradigm – valuable! Due to the frequency of the repetitions, I soon knew this approach and the procedure inside out. What I noticed about myself was that I was able to keep the red thread in a solution-oriented coaching conversation with ease, even on the running track – even “when the picture shakes”, so to speak. And the results of the conversations, regardless of the context, in combination with the fresh air, nature and sporting activity were always extremely useful. So I brought “the useful conversation” to the running track – further information for those interested in sports:
for-sporty-manager-bizcoaching-and-running-training-at the same time
Of course, you can go cross-biking, inline skating or hiking if necessary. You can also have “useful conversations” on a walk – outside in the fresh air, in nature, during physical activity!

Emotional intelligence training and leadership coaching
Peter Mertingk in D-64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf (Frankfurt Airport 10 km)
Phone: +49 (0)6105 999677
eMail: dialog(at)petermertingk.de